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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea vocent scripta abhorreant, facilisi explicari mel ne, ut quo vide ridens. Mei ex quodsi inciderint, quo ad quas deleniti definitionem, vis no wisi graecis offendit.

Autumn Flowers Mobile Friendly Site Template

Download Spring Green Web Package.  Instructions.

Daisy With Raindrops.The Autumn Flowers Template is an updated version of the the original Autumn Floral Template and is based on one of the templates available from our sister site Expression Web Mobile Friendly Site Templates. While both the CSS and HTML code is heavily commented, this template is for the more advanced user.

This template uses some CSS3 for the rounded corners.    The rounded corners will display as intended in newer modern browsers including Firefox 4, Opera 11, Safari 5, Chrome 2, and IE9.  They will degrade gracefully in older browsers and default to rectangular corners. This template uses a fixed width layout and is mobile friendly.

This template also makes use of Google Web fonts. The font used for the Site Name and menus is Gabriela. Normally if you use a "fancy font" as part of your site, your viewer will need to have that particular font available on their own computer to view it as YOU intended. Read more about using Google web fonts.


The image used in the masthead as well as the one used as an example are both from and are in the public domain. Style classes are included within the style sheet to float or center your images on the page. The Round Social Media Icons used as part of this template are from OneExtraPixel. You can download the entire set from their site.

CSS and Script Links

Besides the main style sheet (site.css), there is a special style sheet (media-queries) which allows the inclusion of special CSS rules to optimize your page for mobile browsers.

Additional Resources

You can find detailed instructions for working with the mobile friendly site templates as well as a pdf file you can download and print.

Also resources on both drop shadows and rounded corners.