Background Image Sample Two

Screenshot background image with default repeat.
Screenshot of Background Image with default repeat.
When no repeat is specified, the image is repeated vertically and horizontally.

Background Image Size: 1300px wide by 100px high

Style Rules for Background Image:

body {
font-size: .95em;
color: #000;
background: #8EA1A5 url('images/bjack057.jpg') repeat-y;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 120px;
padding: 0px;

This line in the style rules specifies the background color, the image, and tells the browser to repeat the image vertically.
background: #8EA1A5 url('images/bjack057.jpg') repeat-y;

This line in the style rules tells the browser there should be a left margin of 120pixels.
margin: 0px 0px 0px 120px;

Style Rules for Content Container:

#outerWrapper {
width: 95%;
text-align: left;
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
padding: 20px;

NOTE: A background color has been specified along with the image. The background for the image is a solid color rather than a textured background so you cannot see a division between the vertically repeated image and the colored background.

Background Image Credit:

Filler Content: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan dolor ac orci? Pellentesque vitae libero in lacus tincidunt ultricies! Nam eleifend ultricies dui! Quisque mattis tempus ligula. Nulla non diam in arcu adipiscing porttitor. Nulla libero mi, suscipit id, semper eu, lobortis non, metus! Sed dui pede, consectetuer vitae, adipiscing et, posuere quis, nulla. Mauris ornare semper justo. Morbi at libero ut justo ultrices dignissim? Cras nunc. Sed metus quam, consequat vel, euismod et, pulvinar ut, sem. Vestibulum euismod massa posuere massa.

Quisque imperdiet turpis vitae metus. Vivamus consectetuer mauris non massa. In pretium, turpis et adipiscing elementum, ligula ipsum elementum risus, eget rhoncus nunc orci vel mi. Cras nunc. In ac eros nec tellus blandit suscipit. Sed aliquet luctus lectus. Nunc eleifend iaculis arcu. Phasellus mollis elementum pede. Integer et quam eu velit interdum laoreet. Sed sapien dolor, gravida non, congue eget, consequat sed, enim. Sed bibendum orci in nisl. Suspendisse elit? Sed ut magna. In dignissim. Nulla ornare pharetra libero. Praesent nunc magna, placerat congue, pretium et, ultricies sit amet, elit? Morbi enim nisl, sagittis ut, lobortis eget, blandit tincidunt, urna. In rutrum, diam vel dignissim consectetuer, libero pede pulvinar tortor; semper tincidunt massa nibh quis ipsum. Donec id nisl nec nisl varius porta. Cras ac purus.